These days, but one year ago, my husband and I were hiking and walking through Denmark. We saw lovely beaches and cliffs, green roofs and lighthouses, and even a desert. We visited not just Skagen, the place where the Baltic and the North Sea meet, but also two gorgeous yarn shops – Sommerfuglen in Copenhagen and Isager in north Denmark. One year later, I have two Traigh shawls and one Oska hat made from these Danish yarns!
Dear reader, since I remember, I have always had a blog. Even now, although I haven’t posted anything in a while. So it’s natural I created a new blog focused on my knitting and sewing, isn’t it? Because coding some basic websites (with a bit of help from my husband) is my hobby, too.
Terranean refers to planet Earth, as I am a geographer. It also includes Tera, a diminutive of my name. And I am a knitter and sewer. That's what Terranean Stitch means.